Subject: bourlet, see the final citation From: "Jim Papadopoulos" Date: Thu, 10 Sep 2009 10:52:41 -0500 To: "'Arend L. Schwab'" Bourlet, Charles-Émile-Ernest (dit Carlo) Bourlet was an academic mathematician and prolific book author, who also published a number of technical papers. Here are two citations in Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France, where he cites his own book that must already have been out. The work was actually submitted in 1897 for the Prix Fourneyron; he was awarded First Prize. Bourlet, C. Étude théorique sur la bicyclette. Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France, 27 (1899), p. 47-67 7__47_1.pdf or Bourlet, C. Étude théorique sur la bicyclette. Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France, 27 (1899), p. 76-96 7__76_0.pdf Or Bourlet published a first edition of his popular bicycle book in 1894: BOURLET (C.) Traité des bicycles et bicyclettes suivi d'une application à la construction des vélodromes Paris: Gauthier-Villars, 1894 petit in-8 br, 232 pp, figures.) In 1898 he broke it into two volumes, and published edition 2 (edition 10 is also cited) as Nouveau traité des bicycles et bicyclettes. (We don’t know how much material was added.) Volume 1, concerning dynamics, is called Équilibre et Direction. He also published BOURLET, C. 1899 La Bicyclette, sa construction et sa forme. Paris: Gauthier-Villars. We have not seen this and don’t know how technical it might be. Reproductions can be ordered from the Bibliotheque National, search BN-Opale Plus;jsessionid=0000VObRqdohPEn4hgdMdIcwGjl:-1?host= catalogue